I wanted to offer users a simple link that they could use to download the latest version of my Electron app, AbleSet. The app is published using electron-builder and versions are stored in a public AWS bucket along with a generated YAML file that contains some metadata for the updater.
Getting right to it, here's the function's code. It's pretty straight-forward:
const got = require("got");
const yaml = require("yaml");
// Replace this with your own bucket's URL
const bucketUrl = `https://download.ableset.app`;
// These are the paths of electron-build's
// YAML files inside of your bucket
const urlMap = {
mac: "mac/latest-mac.yml",
win: "win/latest.yml",
exports.handler = async function (event, _, callback) {
const os = event.queryStringParameters.os;
if (!(os in urlMap)) {
return callback("OS is invalid.");
const url = `${bucketUrl}/${urlMap[os]}`;
const response = await got(url);
const data = yaml.parse(response.body);
const file = data.files.find(
(f) => f.url.endsWith(".dmg") || f.url.endsWith(".exe"),
const downloadPath = `${bucketUrl}/${os}/${file.url}`;
callback(null, {
statusCode: 302,
headers: { Location: downloadPath },
body: "Redirecting...",
If you haven't set up Netlify Functions yet, add the following to your netlify.toml
directory = "functions"
Then create a functions
directory and add the function in a download.js
file. After setting up NPM or Yarn and adding the got
and yaml
dependencies, you can deploy your site. The function is now available on /.netlify/functions/download
But that doesn't look like a nice link yet. If you want this function to have a pretty URL, you can add a rewrite for it in Netlify's _redirects
/download/mac /.netlify/functions/download?os=mac
/download/win /.netlify/functions/download?os=win
And that's it – your users now have a simple link to download the latest version of your app 🎉
You could take this a step further and offer links for the latest beta or alpha, or maybe links to a specific version of your app.