Sometimes I write stuff. You can find it here.
I wanted to offer users a simple link that they could use to download the latest version of my Electron app, AbleSet. The app is published…
This is a part of a bigger series I'm writing on archiving media in general. I've spent the past few weeks at my parents' house and wanted…
Older articles can be found here. The may not be up to date anymore, but I'd like to keep them online just in case.
In a recent project, our client needed to upload a lot of small files (hundreds of thousands) to GCS for further processing. Using regular…
I often work with projects that use Firebase and Gatsby with TypeScript. While I love the combination, it's weird to call Firebase Cloud…
I'm a big fan of Ulysses for writing. Using the simple Markdown syntax, it is easy to concentrate on writing content without any unnecessary…
In our live set, we rely heavily on Loopers to build our sound stage. Even though we use backing tracks sometimes, we still want to perform…
It's been a while since I last updated my blog – or wrote anything at all, for that matter. Since the last article in January 2018, I've…
My father does 3D architecture visualization and needed a new website that would look good on all devices, load quickly and be optimized for…
A while ago I started using Final Cut Pro X for my projects and two days ago I bought a Synology DS1817+ to store my project files. The…
Over the last few months I have worked on a new app called Festify together with my friend Moritz. Festify is a free Spotify-powered app for…
200 Calories was the first short movie in which I tried using Premiere to color grade the footage. I mainly used the Fast Color Corrector…
We (Paul and I) made this short movie during the 2880 Film Festival in Leverkusen, Germany. We hope you like it. You can watch the other…
Quad Lock is a smartphone mounting system that allows you to mount your devices on a variety of locations including cars, bikes and other…
When I set up my living room Media Center, I decided to also install the Logitech Media Server to stream music stored on my external hard…
The iPhone 5 is easily my most used device when I'm not at home. When I'm sitting at my desk, however, the phone usually resides in my…
Introduction On Nov. 29th of 2013, the PlayStation 4 was released in Europe and my friend decided to buy one and give it to me for testing…
After some waiting time, the Intel NUC finally arrived. The NUC, or Next Unit of Computing, is a small barebones-computer for about $15…
Since I was born, we had an old tube-type television standing in our living room. It wasn't bad to watch TV on it, but it was just bulky and…
Introduction Last friday, my new MacBook Air arrived and as it's got 512 GB of disk space, I wanted to have my iTunes library on it, so I…
Introduction A few months ago, I built my first Hackintosh and I really liked Mac OS X, so at this year's WWDC I decided to buy the new…
In my current project, #tifnum, I wanted to add a simple RSS feed, so that interested people can get the newest favorite number every day…
StayAwake HD is a little helper app for Mac OS X and soon for Windows and Linux that keeps your hard drives from turning off. » Download…
The internet's favorite number (#tifnum) project started with a simple idea: If you ask a random person a question, like "How many people…
Now that all the components were installed in the case, I turned my Hackintosh on and had to see that the BIOS was always freezing right at…
After having received all the parts that I needed for building my Hackintosh, I immediately started building it together with my good friend…
Since my almost eight years old Mac Pro with it's Dual-Core processor and 3 GB of RAM is getting really slow, and I can't update to Mac OS X…
I love listening to and discovering music and I really like the way iTunes organizes my albums, especially with the new grid view. One thing…
Last friday my old in ear headphones broke after being used for half a year so I wanted to buy some new headphones that would last longer…
I recently wanted to change the language of my WordPress blog from German to English and found a simple way of doing it. You needn't install…
I jailbroke my iPhone 5 with iOS 6.1 this monday and found some nice tools that I want to share with you as I think they could be useful fou…
In our informatics class, we are working a lot with Java and as I was searching for a nice IDE that is easy to use and contains an…